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  Saturday  September 15  2001    09: 34 AM

The bigger they come the harder they fall

All we will be able to allege will be the “hospitality” or “ambiguity” shown by some governments to shadowy figures who flit in and out of their territories. The IRA, for instance, flitting in and out of America and raising funds. Shall we bomb Washington? Should we bomb Dublin? Should white supremacist South Africa have bombed London when black freedom fighters with bases here killed innocent people there? We have got a cheek — have we not? — to declare (as has this and other newspapers) that the Americans should “make no distinction between the perpetrators of a terrorist atrocity and the government which gives it shelter”. London and the capitals of Europe offer some of the world’s best havens for terrorists and freedom-fighters seeking neutral countries from which to hatch their campaigns.

thanks to Scripting News