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  Sunday  April 21  2002    10: 00 AM

Moral Clarity

Moral ambiguity
Proponents of ‘moral clarity’ won’t find it in this administration
by Mollu Ivins

Will is often worth reading if only so you can figure out why you disagree with him. Lately, he has been leading an entire phalanx of right-wing commentators in full cry over President Bush's loss of "moral clarity" in the Middle East. The sheer implausibility of finding moral clarity in the Middle East does not deter them. Better minds than Bush's are defeated by that challenge, but the moral- certainty crowd admits no shades of gray.

Since Bush himself is fond of moral certainty -- it's good-doers versus evildoers in BushWorld -- he must be uncomfortable with what Will magisterially dismisses in a recent Newsweek essay as the "intellectual confusion and moral miasma ... that now permeate U.S. policy and media coverage concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."
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thanks to SmirkingChimp.com