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  Wednesday  April 24  2002    12: 13 AM


Squeezing the Poor
Maybe Castro's Right. Maybe That's All Globalization Really Is About.

For example, Cuban President Fidel Castro informed the U.N.'s March, 2002 conference in Monterrey, Mexico that "the existing world economic order constitutes a system of plundering and exploitation like no other in history" — not exactly a ringing endorsement of globalization-as-sustainable-development. He then stormed from the meeting, lingering barely long enough to enjoy a standing ovation.

It would be easy enough to dismiss Castro's antics as just another loser's rant.

But what about that standing ovation? Castro's words must have resonated with some of the delegates. The fact is, there is more than a little evidence that Castro had a point. The real question is, why has most of the developed world ignored that evidence for so long? One answer is that over the past 25 years, the governments of market democracies, abetted by the mainstream media, have all but programmed their citizens to ignore it.
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thanks to wood s lot