
Weblog Archives

  Saturday  July 13  2002    11: 48 AM

Vegitarianism keeps looking better and better

Mad Cows, Mad Deer and Mad Bureaucrats

Unfortunately, both the federal and state governments are badly bungling this issue and falsely reassuring people that what happened in Britain could never happen here. The Centers for Disease Control should have made all cases of human CJD reportable to monitor the true number, but in 1999 refused to do so. The Food and Drug Administration and the United States Department of Agriculture realized a decade ago that feeding rendered slaughterhouse waste to livestock should be completely banned, but to appease the meat industry has not done so. Instead, five years ago the FDA
passed a poorly enforced regulation that all meat and bone meal from ruminant animals (cattle, sheep, deer) should be labeled not to be fed to other ruminants. However, the blood from ruminants is exempt, and in Wisconsin and other states calves are fed raw cattle blood plasma as a protein source in milk replacer and calf starter. Cattle meat and bone and blood meal is fed to pigs, which are fed to cattle, by the billions of pounds a year. Deer, elk and sheep known to be infected with mad cow-type disease can legally be rendered and fed to pigs, and pigs are fed to pigs. Deer and elk on game farms and in the wild are fed supplemental fat, protein and minerals even to this day. In other words, the US is widely engaging in practices almost guaranteed to spread TSE disease in the US.

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Man who hunted in CWD area dies of brain disease

A 63-year-old Thornton man who hunted elk and deer in a Colorado area beset with chronic wasting disease died early Wednesday from a similar human brain disease.
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both thanks to Richard Kahn @ American Samizdat