
Weblog Archives

  Monday  February 3  2003    11: 07 AM



Free book: 100 poets against the war redux
100 Poets against the war was perhaps the speediest world poetry anthology ever - one week from start to finish (27 January). 100 poets against the war redux, its second edition, was also finished within a week. It contains many new poems, so complements rather than replaces the original. All the contributors have donated their poems, so download the book, share it, put it on your own site for others to share, print it and make it into a book of poetry. You'll need Adobe Acrobat (which is a free download) to read it. On 14 February, to coincide with the global antiwar demonstrations,'100 počtes contre la guerre', featuring French-language poets and edited by Georges Abou-Hsab and Todd Swift, will be available, as will '100 Gedichte gegen den Krieg', edited by André Michael Bolten and featuring German-language poets. We will also be producing ebooks, so you can read the poems on your mobile devices.

Ode to all concerned with that "baby milk" factory in Iraq
Bombs go off and so does milk,
And both events make you grumpy,
But given the choice betweent he two,
I'd rather have milk that's lumpy.


  thanks to wood s lot