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  Wednesday  June 4  2003    10: 20 AM

all-american terrorism

Terrorist sympathizers

When someone like Noam Chomsky or Susan Sontag dares to criticize United States foreign policy, they are quickly labeled "terrorist sympathizers," and roundly denounced. Well, I wonder how soon the vociferious denunciations of these actual terrorist sympathizers will begin.

Crystal Davis doesn't quite side with Eric Rudolph, but she sympathizes with him.

"He's a Christian and I'm a Christian and he dedicated his life to fighting abortion," said Mrs. Davis, 25, mother of four. "Those are our values. And I don't see what he did as a terrorist act."

Yes, and--if the charges turn out to be true--nothing represents the values of the good, decent, salt of the earth, hardworking, churchgoing, loyal and patriotic citizens of backwoods North Carolina like planting a goddamn pipe bomb in the middle of the Olympics.

Rudolph Is No Lone Nut

The townspeople in Murphy, North Carolina that cheered Rudolph, or at the very least kept their mouths closed about his presence in the town, did so because they also believe that America is under attack from blacks, Jews, immigrants, gays, feminists, and abortionists. They blame liberal bureaucrats in Washington for mollycoddling gays and minorities, usurping the Constitution and corrupting American values.

The legion of publications and websites, and in a few places radio stations, of the so-called anti-government activists read and sound like a who's who of white supremacy. They are crammed with the standard racist and gender baiting articles that proclaim that white Christians must rule America, the federal government is the enemy, and that terror is an acceptable weapon in their war to reclaim America. Rudolph apparently was a passionate believer in that view. The years that he spent on the lam, even with a million dollar price tag on him and his mug on the FBI's ten most wanted list, is ample proof that there are still plenty of people who share Rudolph's deadly, hate-filled views, and were perhaps even willing to aid and abet him. If he is a "lone nut' then he has a lot of company.