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  Sunday  July 27  2003    01: 31 AM


Experts at US Conference on Global Warming Say Bush's Position ‘Ludicrous'

President Bush and his advisers maintain that reducing emissions through costly near-term measures is unjustified. The White House argues that forecasting climate change is too imprecise to agree to long-term, international, mandatory cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

“It is only imprecise if you choose to consider what I would describe as fringe science,” Bradley told AP. “Politicians are always faced with making decisions in the face of uncertainty, but I think the uncertainty over this issue is relatively low.”

Bradley co-authored a study of tree rings and ice cores that determined 10 of the hottest years globally over the past 600 years have come since 1990 — the hottest in 1998.

“We need to put our present state in perspective for politicians and others who are not yet convinced things need to be taken seriously,” he said in a speech Thursday.