
Weblog Archives

  Saturday  January 3  2004    12: 46 PM


Proyecto Abril


What would happen if we could only see once a day? What if that glance only lasted a few fractions of a second, the blink of an eye? How much intensity could that unexpected moment have?

Prisoners can not see the outside world. People that are born blind can only imagine it. People who have lost their sight may recall some bits and pieces, but these traces are always subject to the whims of memory.

What if we were in the hands of some cruel power that only allowed us this small share of sight and we were unable to decide the moment we wanted to see?

Something similar though not as daunting, happened to the photographer Maximiliano Amena last march. He summoned a group of colleagues to join him in this self imposed restriction of seeing only once a day. Of course “seeing” meant “shooting”. Only one photo of the same film during the entire month of April.

The limitations were mandatory once the participant accepted the rules. The possibilities of choosing when to photograph were inversely proportional to the absolute freedom of what to photograph.

This strange combination of being both free and locked produced an ever clicking shutter in the mind of 17 obsessed photographers who started the quest of this one opportunity. Along the way they found several unexpected foes, such as films that got stuck, cameras that suddenly stopped working, technical errors or unknown tremors at the time of shooting.

This idea and all the limits set by the rules and the ones set by the photographers to themselves resulted -as if it were some kind of secret weapon- in the April Project.


Graciela Calabrese
04-04-03 At alow point. Attempts of self portrait.
