
Weblog Archives

  Sunday  May 23  2004    08: 46 PM

moving day

Well, not quite yet. It was beautiful on Honeymoon Lake, this evening. The sun had just gone down over the hill on the opposite site of the lake and the swallows were swirling around enjoying there evening repast of insects. I'm going to miss it. My house is a rental and it has been sold and I need to move by June 15. I won't be moving far. I will be moving 15 houses up to road to Zoe's — my fiancée. Merging two houses worth of valuable artifacts into one will be interesting. I will still be able to see the lake but we won't be on it. However, it is a community lake so we will still have rowing privileges. Last night I moved the first batch of stuff to storage in Zoe's mom's garage. Let the move begin.