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  Saturday  July 17  2004    10: 37 PM

why things are so wrong

A Note on Evil, Oil, Faith, and Political Strategy

The kernel of truth here is that whoever controls oil controls power, and it's best not to have that power in the hands of someone untrustworthy. One could even see the Iraq war, as the neocons do, as a prelude to a coming confrontation with China. The policies resulting from this mindset are scary, and have evil consequences. But it's not an evil borne of evil intent, but of unchallengeable faith. Indeed, that's the nut that our media can't seem to accept - the reason that the GOP leadership calls the media the ones losing the war, or the Democrats America-haters, is because they honestly believe it. It's not a political strategy. It's faith - and that's why Bush/Cheney reelect seems so out of touch. They can't understand how anyone could disagree with them without being unfathonably evil, nor can they understand how anyone could help them (or seem to help them a la Chalabi) without being one of the faithful.
