
Weblog Archives

  Monday  December 27  2004    07: 29 PM


Rollover Crisis?

Nouriel Roubini makes me look like a real optimist.

I don't see any possibility of a severe crisis for the U.S. as long as our foreign debt is denominated in dollars or consists of equities. The dollar falls steeply, interest rates rise, the U.S. has a slowdown and (likely) a recession as eight million foreign-funded jobs in construction, investment, and consumer services vanish and the workers have to find new jobs in export and import-competing industries--but the big problems all all abroad. Foreigners and their central banks take huge capital losses on their dollar-denominated assets and find the U.S. market for their exports drying up. It's our currency, but it's their problem.

Nouriel, however, sees a very, very different scenario as likely:
