
Weblog Archives

  Wednesday  February 9  2005    12: 32 AM

when cameras are outlawed, only outlaws will have cameras

A Cautionary Tale: The Investigator Calls…
If you make photographs outdoors, you have to read this.

He arrived early in the morning, dressed in civilian clothes rather than a police uniform.

He introduced himself to our staff, presented his card, badge, and official identification. He had traveled some distance to visit NYI, and he had a reason. It appears that one of our students had been observed taking photographs along a highway one evening. He was crouched low, alongside some bushes. Witnesses who saw what the photographer was doing became concerned, and one of them approached the student, who answered that individual’s questions and even presented his NYI Student Identification Card.

Despite the fact that the student had been fully cooperative and had explained that he was working on his first Photo Project, and had even shown his questioner his student ID card, the people on the scene were not satisfied.

And so a complaint was filed. In fact, the complaint was filed with the New York State Counter Terrorism Task Force. That complaint was referred to the Investigator, and hence, one clear, blue sky morning in New York City, the Investigator called.


  thanks to Conscientious