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  Tuesday   August 20   2002       10: 51 PM

Book Reviews

Amazon book reviews as humor — for those who haven't come across Henry Raddick before.

Henry Raddick's Public Reviews

Surviving Divorce: A Handbook for Men
by Gay Search

A well-written and challenging book which I bought for my Uncle Sandy as he attempts to cope with the aftershock of divorce. Unfortunately he thought the author's name was a coping strategy being suggested and he refused to read it.

The war to save our kids : raising G-rated children in an X-rated world
by Richard P. Lindsay

Trying to shield our children from the pervasive obscenity of modern culture is a more-or-less full-time job as any parent knows. Thank goodness therefore for this sensitive and helpful guide to responsible parenting. Sometimes the old ways are best: when my own dad caught me smoking when I was a teenager, he sat me down at the kitchen table and I wasn't allowed to get up until I had finished the entire packet. That worked, after a fashion. I tried a similar approach with my own son Jonathan when I recently found a stash of porn videos in his room. I believe he found the 9 hour marathon viewing as uncomfortable as I did, and I have high hopes of weaning him of this filth. [read more]
