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  Tuesday   February 17   2004       01: 29 AM

revived democrats

We won


But in DC, it was all doom and gloom. That defeatist attitude permeated every level of the aforementioned party establishment. A few brave voices offered contrarian, and more positive outlooks, but the vast majority were ready to jump off a cliff.

Which is why, despite much pressure to do so, I would never leave my adopted hometown of Berkeley for DC. Those people can't see the forest for the trees. It's groupthink central -- they go to the same cocktail parties, consume the same media, and otherwise lose complete touch with the rest of the country. It goes like this: Person A to Person B: Bush is a popular wartime leader, we can't win. Person B to Person C: Bush is a popular wartime leader, we can't win. Person C to Person A: Bush is a popular wartime leader, we can't win. Person A responds: That's what I've been saying!

But something happened -- the "establishment" got an awakening from the people.

