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Civilian casualties update
  Tuesday   October 24   2006       03: 15 PM

Well, politics are set aside yet again (in my blog) as is the rest of my life for a while. Health, well ill health, takes front row center yet again. Dang.

No sleep at all in the evening, I did manage to repack some prezzies I have to fit in storage, but that is a sorry success considering the ill effects on me. This AM, after feeding the cats, I started to moan and cover my tummy again...it was "THAT" pain again.

Rx, heating pad, and finally dozing off, took me away from pain for a while, but I'm back in it again.

Yep, some taste of bile, and eyes so raw and tired, and stress and guilts have become the focus du jour. I just took more Rx, and washed up a bit, and hope that I can fall off to sleep soonest.

I had to cancel Dr Waite today, I have to rest instead, and this is when his move to Oak Harbor hits hardest, when I feel worse. I also fear I may let my Mom down yet again tomorrow, and that hurts me most of all, more than the sheer exhaustion and stomach pain. But I know I'm on the verge, and can't push myself, yet to not see Mom kills me and adds a different element to my health and hurt.

This has to stop. I hope Clear Passage calls or writes soon. If I *knew* surgery was going to stop this, I'd do it, but I know there are absolutely no guarantees, and exploratory surgery is just wrong to me, and the only sure thing is surgery creates adhesions, and adhesions from the previous surgery is absolutely a part of my continued stomach issues.

Or, if the sleep study could find something to help me sleep -- well...but that is put off a few weeks due to a meeting at WSH re: Mom's treatment plan. That trumps everything right now. I have to get energy up to go to it. It must happen, and I must have a voice and ask the hard questions and push for Mom's health goals.

So, so drained and sleepy and pained, I will hope the Rx does it's job, and the heating pad helps, and I can fall into a nap or sleep again...but first, I have to trundle through the gobs-o-email and hope there's a missive from Clear Passage -- toes and fingers are crossed!