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Civilian casualties update
  Tuesday   December 12   2006       03: 40 AM

This is getting tired now...not much charm in being out of power or another prime time 12 hours...humbug.

I am behind in mail and following up on stuff...but tomorrow I am visiting Mom, and so I better let it go and just see if I can get a few hours of sleep. It just takes so much out of my soul to visit her there.

I had a voice mail from Brian today, and it is indicative of they're not staying on top of the things they read or were told..it's good, huge actually, that they listen me at all, but they don't keep it in their memory, so it sort of negates some of the feel good that I get.

I want Mom home ASAP, or the more specific time frame is that I need her home as soon as she needs to be...I need her to be ready for it too...poor Mom, poor Bahmu -- I hope she feels the love and heart.
Well we'll see what tomorrow brings.
