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Civilian casualties update
  Thursday   December 14   2006       05: 21 PM

Bracing for stormy weather... more rain and high high winds!!!

The news is talking about 90 MPH, and it's headed straight for the strait de juan de fuca -- that's really close here on Whidbey. I expect a longer power outtage in the offing as it hit and is hitting Oregon as I write.

I have mac-horror stories in the offing. They have probably, finally, lost their best, most staunch customer due to their internal fighting, and the spillover onto the customer (me) and their choosing to be right in their defiance, instead of supportive.

I have put up with so much of their inconvenience, with gusto, since my first personal computer in '91, and their strong suit has never been customer support, but to knowingly throw one away, after I did everything I was told to do, extended warranty, protecting the computer, going internal /phone because of some inname, unnamed reason the "GENIUS BAR" [ha] made me call it in instead, and their not backing their product, or their support.

Infighting, and name calling from "internal" v. "retail" and I lose out.
Icing on the cake is I have one very broken, messed up Macbook Pro being shipped back to me, and I am now without a working laptop.

I am so frustrated and feel betrayed after all I've said and done in staunch lobbying and support for the Mac. To be disconnected from the net /world /etc. is scary stuff when I am so reliant on it due to health issues, and Momstuff, and when I go for the care at Clear Passage, well, to be disconnected is pretty scary for me. I don't have the money to spare.

And they were so awfully mean on top of it all.
Power flickering, I'm outta here for now..send positive vibes our way please!
