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Civilian casualties update
  Friday   September 7   2007       01: 05 PM

Well, I had some mind-blowing news that I just can't seem to get my mind wrapped around.

I was finally moving into my home here in April '97 (at last, after 6 seemingly endless budget-breaking months of construction, choices, disappointments and more choices) with my Mom and Dad's help unpacking boxes and support. I'm not sure when it was slipped onto my front, but magically, it appeared; it was huge yellow blossom sitting in a clear, stemless goblet floating in a clear gel.

It was my first real encounter from the neighborhood.

Somehow, Gae, from across the street, managed to covertly drop this chaos-stopper with none of us catching her. It was the first item to grace my picture window -- ooooh, lovely. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Like myself, she has a plethora of invisible chronic illnesses [ICIs] so there was little need for explaining why we need "down time". Neither of us has to do a lot of apologizing, explaining or mea culpa about why there were long times between chats, visits, or even returning a call or two. We created a warm and loving friendship, low maintenance.

Well, 10 years later, and a wee bit older, I received a phone call from my "Neighbah" that she had a stroke !! Gordy and I visited yesterday, loaf of Gordybread in hand [first loaf is free ], and it was goodness to hug and reassure myself she is truly here and on the mend. But the idea of this happening to a dear friend and peer..? Shit! What a wake-up call.

It's so odd, but with our plethora of chronic stuff, it is so unexpected when something else happens to us. Our ICIs fill our days up with pain, brain fog, meds, MD visits, therapy, vertigo, IBS, insomnia, being unsteady on our feet already, and other challenges, that it's hard to think outside the box that we are susceptible to other ills.

Her symptoms were not only comparable to the flu that was going on, vertigo with nausea and hot and cold bits, and many of those symptoms are comparable to our every day bouts o' woes, that how are we supposed to recognize a new thing as not just another ICI surprise symptom?

So, for the past month or so, it had been building. Gae was walking her dog along the beach and fell a few times in a single day [fits our profiles] and she felt out of whack - just not "right, [aka SNAFU] and apparently, people have told her since the episode, that she had been talking some odd stuff and nonsense, but not enough for anyone to mention at the time.

I am so lucky that she appears so well at this time. Her memory is way better than mine, although you can see some of the effects, walking less than steady, her demeanor less vibrant, although absolutely as loving and embracing and caring, and, although one side did not "pull down", I can see that there is a wee bit difference on one side, which hopefully will remedy itself.

My most recent visits to Dr Jimenez was yet another eye-opener. All the pain I speak of, that formerly could be attributed to FMS, MPS, CTS, are now called, osteoarthritis, and arthritis and other rheumatoid itis's, aka old age -- at least some of my peers are now feeling some of what I have experienced for decades...little solace that. Sigh.

But, as usual I ramble and digress.

I hurt for my sweet "neighbah" - as we call eachother in our faux NYC accents, my little "knish" . I want her safe and well and able and I know Gordy and I, as well as others who know and love her, have taken this wake up call seriously...it's so very close to home.

Chins up Gae -- I'm sending positive healing and protective energy and light your way. And I'll be by to visit anon, and will try to encourage yet another loaf from Gordy! It's so therapeutic. Feel free to send healing prayers, light, energy or what works for you, her way. She is so deserving of it. Pax!